Our inspection of Springbank Rest Home was made up of a visit to the home by an inspector.Below is a summary of what we found. The summary is based on our observations during the inspection, speaking with people using the service, their relatives, the staff supporting them and looking at records. We also obtained a report produced after a quality monitoring visit from Rochdale Local Authority commissioning team in October and November 2013.
If you want to see the evidence supporting our summary please read the full report.
Is the service caring?
We were able to speak with five of the people who used the service and two family members. All of whom told us that they were happy with the service being provided and had no complaints. One of the people who lived at the home told us, "The home has a good reputation in the area and that was one of the reasons I chose to come and live here". Another person who lived at the home told us, "I can't fault it at all". They also went onto say that they were always given a choice at meal times and could choose when they got up and went to bed. Their family member told us that they had been waiting for a bed at the home to become available.
We spoke with a family member whose relative had lived at the home for over two years. They told us, 'The staff can't do enough for you and they keep 'on top' of things. They also said that the staff 'are lovely', 'work hard' and "I looked at quite a lot of homes but as soon as I walked in I liked it; it was homely and I was made to feel welcome".
Everyone we spoke with said that they were happy with the care they received and had no complaints.
We were able to observe during our visit that the staff team were friendly and spoke to people in a caring and friendly manner.
Is the service effective?
We saw notes on the care plans when other healthcare professionals had been contacted such as the GP, district nurse or chiropodist. One of the people we spoke with told us, "They always get the GP when necessary and tell the family".
We saw in the care plan for one person guidance notes regarding their treatment. We were told by the person that the care workers were assisting them daily with their treatment which had been prescribed by the physiotherapist.
We saw that the district nurse attended people who lived at the home as and when someone required nursing care such as vaccinations or medical dressings.
We saw that a mental capacity assessment had been completed to ensure that people's best interests were being met.
People we spoke with said that if they had any concerns they were comfortable with talking to the manager or the care workers.
A passenger lift assisted people to reach the upper floor. There was equipment available such as hoists and assisted baths to help the care workers meet people's care needs.
We saw that activities were organised and people took part in crafts; which were displayed throughout the home.
Springbank Rest Home was clean, and apart from one bedroom, was free from unpleasant odours. The manager told us that carpets were cleaned regularly, monitored and replaced when necessary.
There were hand wash dispensers and paper towels available in all bedrooms and toilets in the interests of infection control.
We also saw that various safety checks had been completed. These included gas, electricity and passenger lift safety certificates. Some work had been required after the electric inspection which had been completed.
Is the service responsive?
We saw that people's health, personal and social care needs were assessed before they were admitted to the home to ensure that they could be met. We saw that risk assessments and care plans were in place that reflected their needs to ensure that they received appropriate care. The care plans and risk assessments were reviewed regularly by the manager.
The two family members we spoke with told us that they were kept informed of their relative's health and that the GP was contacted straight away if they were not well.
We were told by people who used the service, their family and the staff team that they could talk to the manager if they had any concerns about the care being provided.
We saw that an audit had been undertaken in October 2013 by a member of the Rochdale Local Authority Quality Monitoring team. There had been a number of recommendations made within the action plan. We saw from the action plan that recommendations had been completed by December 2013.
An infection control audit had also taken place by Rochdale Council. The recommendations such as replacement of some of the chairs in the lounge, replacement of some of the mattresses and mattress covers had been actioned.
Is the service well-led?
The registered manager had worked at the home for 28 years; 19 of which had been as the manager. The manager had a National Vocational Qualification Level 4 in Management.
Training was in place to protect the people who lived at Springbank Rest Home such as moving and handling, safeguarding adults and first aid.
Training was provided through Rochdale Local Authority, distance learning training companies and in house by the manager. This helped to ensure that the staff team had the qualifications and skills to meet people's needs.
We saw that National Vocational Qualifications (NVQ) in Health and Social Care had also been obtained by the staff team.
We were told by the manager that questionnaires were distributed to the people who used the service in order to obtain their views and opinions about the service. The last survey held was in 2012 and a small number in 2013. The responses received were positive. Comments received were, 'The staff are very caring and compassionate'; 'The home is clean and homely'; 'People are always dressed nicely'.