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  • Homecare service

Horizon Homecare (Southern) Ltd

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

Horizon House, New Orchard, Poole, BH15 1LY (01202) 737456

Provided and run by:
Horizon Homecare (Southern) Ltd

Report from 7 March 2024 assessment

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Updated 9 April 2024

Improvements to the governance systems within the service had been sustained, strengthened, and developed further. Leadership was visible. Processes were in place to ensure the service operated safely. Good, well established, links had been made with external professionals. People and staff had confidence in the management of the service and felt included in decisions made. The registered manager had made all necessary notifications and information sharing as required. There was a strong, collaborative management team in place. The service was monitored to ensure continual learning and improvements, this included mutli-layered assurance checks.

This service scored 75 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.

Shared direction and culture

Score: 3

A robust programme of checks, monitoring and audits identified areas for improvement. There were clear processes to ensure the service continually sought to improve, this was obvious during the inspection. The registered manager and staff actively sought the views of people and their families through surveys, individual meetings, and reviews also with telephone calls. Relatives told us they were included and felt respected with one saying, “They know my work schedule, so they are very sensitive about when they contact me.”

Everyone had the same vision for the service, it came from the provider who was committed and involved day to day. The registered manager and staff felt supported to provide high quality care. Improvements in the service had been established, embedded, sustained, and developed further. This meant people were receiving care from a team who had the same shared goal.

Capable, compassionate and inclusive leaders

Score: 3

Staff knew how to raise concerns and access support, there were clear procedures in place. The registered manager told us safeguarding was a continual topic of conversation, the service was fast paced, supporting people who had extremely individual and complex needs. Staff had a variety of meetings and communications to keep them updated, they felt included. Everyone told us they were confident in the management of the service and that it was well led.

Leadership was visible, the provider, registered manager, and the management support team at Horizon Homecare (Southern) Limited was established and strong. Their core values were at the forefront of the service they provided. The strong values and ethos of the service was instilled in staff from the start, and they all said, without exception they were passionate about their role in supporting people to live well at home. People and staff were complimentary about the management of the service. Some of the comments were: “I feel very confident in the registered managers leadership skills, they thrive to ensure that we deliver an exceptional service”, “The registered manager is very present”, “I have nothing but admiration for them, I absolutely believe they are a natural and brilliant leader”, “I believe the service is well led. The registered manager and deputy manager are extremely good at their roles and ensuring everything runs smoothly”, “The registered manager is an asset to Horizon.”

Freedom to speak up

Score: 3

Horizon Homecare (Southern) Limited had policies and procedures in place to support staff in speaking up and raising concerns. This included up to date policies in relation to safeguarding and whistleblowing.

Staff knew where to find relevant policies to support them should they need to raise concerns formally. They knew they should speak with the provider to escalate concerns or outside agencies if not appropriate to speak to them.

Workforce equality, diversity and inclusion

Score: 3

People were supported by a staff team who were happy in their work. One person told us, “If I ever phone the office, they always listen to me. Feedback from staff and leaders: Staff working with the service were from diverse backgrounds. Staff overwhelmingly told us they were included and accepted. Differences and individuality were appreciated. Staff told us they would support anyone regardless of their background and beliefs. The registered manager told us it was important to them personally to be an inclusive employer.

Policies and procedures were in place and incorporated all aspects of recruitment and staffing such as retention plans, equality, diversity, fairness, and protected characteristics.

Governance, management and sustainability

Score: 3

A schedule of audits and checks in place to identify areas for improvement. The registered manager had made all notifications to CQC as required by law. A notification is the action that a provider is legally bound to take to tell us about any changes to their regulated services or incidents that have taken place in them. An overall service improvement plan was in place to provide a framework and timescales for developments within the home.

People and their relatives were complimentary about the leadership of the service. They were confident and knew who the management staff were and who to contact should they need to. People and their loved ones were happy and comfortable to speak to any of the staff who visited them. One person told us, “Staff are fantastic.” Another person said, “I can’t fault them honestly.” Feedback from staff and leaders: Horizon Homecare (Southern) Limited had made significant and sustained improvements with the governance of the service. Leadership was confident, knowledgeable, and competent.

Partnerships and communities

Score: 3

Stakeholder engagement was instrumental to the service, and they had forged strong ties for them to operate effectively. During improvements the service worked well and engaged with partners to ensure improvements could be sustained.

Horizon Homecare (Southern) Limited worked well with social care professionals. Feedback requested and received during the planning of our assessment was extremely positive in terms of the service engagement and commitment to excellence. Openness and transparency were traits of the service recognised by those partners.

People’s health and wellbeing needs were at the core of the wellbeing team who were leaders in advocating with and for people. A relative said, “The team are always taking on extra’s such as dealing with doctors.”

People were supported to regain, maintain, and live with independence, being at home they told us they felt part of their community. People’s needs were assessed, and this included working with a wide range of health and social care professionals. People were at the centre of the support they received.

Learning, improvement and innovation

Score: 3

The registered manager and provider told us about the ways in which they were continually looking to improve the service. This included listening to feedback and being proactive in identifying shortfalls through their audits. Strong evidence throughout the assessment showed improvement and the process of continual learning were part of the fabric of the service. A member of staff said, “Since the registered manager joined us things are changing for the better. They always try more and more to keep our team and clients happy and provide a good service.”

Horizon Homecare (Southern) Limited used various tools to measure and operate their processes including, electronic systems, technology and good old fashioned, discussion amongst the team. The provider was fully engaged within the service and supported the team. The registered manager was available to people and staff but was also passionate and confident in their own responsibilities to provide good and effective oversight.