14 January 2013
During a routine inspection
People told us that they had been involved in developing and agreeing their care and support plans. They told us that these plans were reviewed regularly and when their needs changed.
People said that their assessed needs were met in ways that they preferred. They said that they were encouraged, as far as they were able to remain independent and they valued this.
Everyone we spoke with felt safe and well supported. People were protected because staff knew what constituted abuse and were confident to recognise and report it. Managers worked openly with health and social care professionals when they had concerns about people's welfare.
Overall, staff recruitment files were well organised and demonstrated that staff were suitable to work with vulnerable people. However, not all required checks had been carried out to ensure staff's suitability. The registered manager recognised these shortfalls and started an immediate review. Interim safeguards were put in place while this happened.
The agency had a complaints procedure that most people were aware of. People told us that they would be confident to share their worries and concerns with staff or managers.