14th March 2019
During an inspection looking at part of the service
The inspection of The Priory Altrincham was unannounced and was prompted by notification of an incident following which people using the service sustained serious injuries. This inspection was conducted to ensure that at the time of this inspection, patients were receiving safe care and were protected from avoidable harm. This inspection looked at the key questions relating to safe and well led and did not focus on the specific incident as this is subject to a separate additional investigation. We did not look at the key questions of caring, effective and responsive at this inspection. This inspection was not rated.
The hospital followed national guidelines on cleaning standards and monitoring procedures to provide and maintain a clean and appropriate environment to prevent and control healthcare associated infection. Ongoing refurbishment plans had seen improvements to the ward environments. Regular environmental quality checks were conducted and patients could discuss and resolve environmental issues in community meetings.
The ward environments were subject to constraints in observation. These were managed and risks mitigated with the use of observation and individual risk management planning.
Accessible emergency equipment was available to staff and was maintained appropriately. Medicines were dispensed and stored securely and audits were undertaken to ensure safe practice.
Staffing levels were determined using a staffing ladder model. Staffing was reviewed regularly to ensure there was enough staff with the relevant skills to deliver safe patient care. Patients were supported by a skilled multidisciplinary team of staff which included nursing, psychiatric, psychological, occupational and dietetic support. Staff were supported to deliver effective care and treatment they told us that they received meaningful and timely supervision and were supported to maintain their professional skills and experience.
Safeguarding processes were in place which reflected national guidance, and understood by all staff. There was a clear structure of reporting and responsibility for safeguarding adults and children. Any concerns relating to adult and child protection were communicated to the relevant protection agencies.
There was an established governance structure with a defined hierarchy of reporting and decision making within the service. There were clear systems of accountability and senior managers were actively involved in the operational delivery of the service. There was a clear statement of visions and values, staff knew and understood the vision, values and strategic goals of the service. Processes and systems of accountability and governance were in place and performance management and quality reporting was clearly set out. Risks were identified and monitored. Performance issues were escalated and discussed at relevant governance forums and action taken to resolve concerns.
All staff we spoke with were positive about their roles and staff felt able to raise concerns without fear of victimisation and spoke positively about the organisation. They told us that they felt valued, had input into the service and were consulted and involved in service quality developments.
The service was committed to improving the services on offer and continually improving the quality of care provided to patients.