- Care home
Manor Court Care Home
Report from 11 May 2024 assessment
On this page
- Overview
- Shared direction and culture
- Capable, compassionate and inclusive leaders
- Freedom to speak up
- Workforce equality, diversity and inclusion
- Governance, management and sustainability
- Partnerships and communities
- Learning, improvement and innovation
There were effective systems for monitoring and improving the quality of the service. The staff were able to speak up if they had concerns. There was a positive and inclusive culture.
This service scored 75 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.
Staff felt the service was well run and organised. They felt there were good lines of communication with managers and senior staff. One member of staff told us, ''There have been improvements, people are well cared for and supported. So are staff.''
The registered manager told us there was good staff retention and positive feedback from staff.
There were processes to help engage staff in the organisation's visions and values. They understood these and worked towards them. The provider had systems to gather feedback from people using the service, staff and other stakeholders. This was generally positive.
Capable, compassionate and inclusive leaders
Staff spoke positively about the registered manager, unit managers and nurses. They told us they found them approachable and supportive.
The registered manager was suitably qualified and experienced. They were supported by a team of senior staff at the service. They had good systems for communication with staff and each other. There were clear lines of responsibility. The registered manager had a good oversight of people living at the home and their needs. They had improved systems for assessment and monitoring to make sure they and other senior staff had a good understanding of service each day.
Freedom to speak up
Staff told us they could speak up and voice their concerns. They knew what to do and felt confident any concerns would be acted on.
The provider had systems to enable staff to speak up and felt safe doing so. Concerns were investigated and acted on.
Workforce equality, diversity and inclusion
Staff told us they were treated well. They said their needs were respected. There were opportunities for flexible working and time off to meet caring responsibility needs and when observing religious practices, including fasting.
The provider had procedures for inclusion and diversity. Through these procedures the provider aimed to create inclusive and diverse workforces. They had forums where staff representatives could discuss different diverse needs and offer peer support.
Governance, management and sustainability
Staff told us they understood systems and processes. They understood their roles and responsibilities.
The provider had policies and procedures which reflected legislation and best practice guidance. Staff understood and followed these. There were appropriate systems for recording and monitoring information. There had been improvements to the record keeping systems at the service.
Partnerships and communities
People told us they were supported to access healthcare appointments and be involved in other community activities, including attending resource centres.
Staff explained they had good systems of communication with partnership organisations and health professionals.
External professionals explained they worked well with the service. One professional commented, ''Staff follow guidance and share information. They have a good understanding and we do a lot of work together.'' Another professional told us, ''The staff have welcomed our support to educate them, so they have a better understanding [of people's needs].''
There were regular visits from the GP and other professionals. They liaised with nurses and shared written information. The provider had made links with different community partners to help provide improved activities.
Learning, improvement and innovation
Staff felt they were involved in learning and improving the service. The registered manager explained how they had implemented a range of systems to empower staff to be involved in developing the service.
The provider sourced internal and external partners to help review and improve the service. The provider's dementia specialist provided training, support and developed action plans to help improve the way staff supported people. This included increasing staff understanding of how people's dementia and other conditions could affect their responses to different situations. They offered staff support to develop proactive strategies in line with best practice.
The provider undertook a range of audits and checks. When problems were identified, the provider took action to make the required improvements.