Our inspection of 75 Hightown Road (the home) took place on 17 April 2014. We considered our inspection findings to answer five questions we always ask; Is the service caring? Is the service responsive? Is the service safe? Is the service effective? Is the service well led?We pathway tracked the three people who lived at the home at the time of our inspection. This meant that we looked records the home kept about the people including care plans that contained information about people's needs and how they were given assistance and support. None of the three people were able to talk with us because of their many and different needs. We therefore spoke with two relatives, the home's staff and a social worker. Where it was appropriate we observed staff as they supported and assisted people to meet their needs. This was in order to see if people received the support they needed in accordance with their care plans. We also looked at documents about the management of the home.
We followed up matters of concern that had been identified at our last inspection of the home in November 2013. We found they had been put right.
If you want to see the evidence supporting our summary please read the full report.
Is the service safe?
People were treated with respect and dignity by the staff.
Staff understood how to protect the people they supported from harm.
The provider had arrangements in place to check the home was managed properly and safely and they learned from mistakes in order to make things better.
The home had policies and procedures in place about the Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards. This meant that people's freedom and rights would be protected.
Checks were made to make sure that people who wanted to work at the home were honest and had the right experience and knowledge.
The likelihood that something dangerous could happen to staff and people living in the home was checked to make people were protected.
Is the service effective?
The home had arranged for an organisation to be able to find out what people wanted and speak up for them if they wanted help to understand things.
The help and support people needed with health and care was checked with them or their relatives or people such as social workers. They were involved in putting together the plans about people's needs and how their care and support would be provided. Plans set out details of specialist dietary, mobility and equipment where they were needed.
Is the service caring?
People were supported by experienced, kind and attentive staff. We saw that care workers were patient and encouraged and supported people to meet their needs.
Visiting relatives we spoke with told us they thought the staff were 'wonderful'.
A social worker we spoke told us they had been 'impressed' by the home. They said 'The staff team appeared very supportive and engaged with people. They did lots of activities in the community. They appeared to know their clients well and respond to their needs appropriately'.
People who used the service, their relatives, friends and other people involved with the service had completed a satisfaction survey. Where shortfalls or concerns had been identified plans had been put in place to put them right.
People's life style choices, preferences, interests, and different needs had been written in their plans and care and support had been provided to make sure these were upheld.
Is the service responsive?
People joined in a range of activities that took place in the home or were available to them in the local community.
Relatives we spoke with knew how to make a complaint if they were unhappy. The home also had a complaints procedure in place that clearly set out the action people could take if they were unhappy with the home. People could be confident that complaints would be investigated and action is taken as necessary.
Is the service well-led?
The provider had arrangements in place to check that the home was managed properly. Records we looked at showed that problems were put right quickly promptly to make sure the quality of the service got better.
Staff told us that they felt part of a team and that the manager was approachable. They also knew what they had to do to support people who lived at the home. This all helped to make sure that people received a good quality service at all times.