Kingshill is a residential care home that provides accommodation in the form of 24 hour care for people who suffer, or have suffered from a mental illness. Some people live at the home permanently, whilst others are supported to move into their own accommodation after an approximate two year period of receiving support from the service. The home is situated in the Standish area of Wigan.
We carried out our inspection of Kingshill on 05 August 2015. At the previous inspection on 30 December 2013, we found the service was meeting each of the standards assessed.
There was a registered manager in post. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.
We spoke with four people who lived at the home who all told us they felt safe as a result of the support they received. One person said; “I do feel safe living here. I like all the staff. I would feel confident speaking with them if I didn’t feel safe”.
People’s medicines were looked after properly by staff that had been given training to help them with this. Regular checks were done to make sure they were competent.
We looked at how the service managed risk. We found individual risks had been completed for each person and recorded in their support plan. There were detailed management strategies to provide staff with guidance on how to safely manage risks and also ensure people’s independence, rights and lifestyle choices were respected.
People were protected against the risks of abuse because the home had a robust recruitment procedure in place. Appropriate checks were carried out before staff began work at the home to ensure they were fit to work with vulnerable adults. During the inspection we looked at six staff personnel files. Each file contained job application forms, a minimum of two references and evidence of either a CRB or DBS (Criminal Records Bureau or Disclosure Barring Service) check being undertaken. Several people living in the home had been actively involved in the recruitment of new staff.
We looked at how the service ensured there were sufficient numbers of staff to meet people’s needs and keep them safe. We looked at the staff rotas. We found the home had sufficient skilled staff to meet people's needs. Staff spoken with told us any shortfalls, due to sickness or leave, were covered by existing staff which ensured people were looked after by staff who knew them. They also said staffing numbers were kept under review and adjusted to respond to people’s choices, routines and needs.
All staff were given training and support they needed to help them look after people properly. We observed staff being kind, friendly and respectful of people's choices and opinions. The atmosphere in the home was relaxed and the staff spoken with had a good knowledge of the people they supported. People were able to ‘come and go’ when they wanted and had good access to the local community.
People living at the home were supported with all aspects of daily living, in order for them to develop the living skills to become independent in their own accommodation. This included support with budgeting, food preparation, laundry and cleaning their bedroom.
The Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA 2005) sets out what must be done to make sure the human rights of people who may lack mental capacity to make decisions are protected. The Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) provides a legal framework to protect people who need to be deprived of their liberty to ensure they receive the care and treatment they need, where there is no less restrictive way of achieving this. From our discussions with managers and staff and from looking at records we found all staff had received training about the MCA and DoLS. The manager and staff spoken with expressed a good understanding of the processes relating to DoLS.
People living in the home were involved in the planning of the menus and went shopping with staff to local shops and supermarkets. People, who were able to, were given support by staff to prepare their own meals. There was no set meal for lunch time and people living in the home were able to choose either to dine in or out of the house at a time convenient to them.
From looking at records, and from discussions with people who used the service, it was clear there were opportunities for involvement in many interesting activities both inside and outside the home. People were involved in discussions and decisions about the activities they would prefer which would help make sure activities were tailored to each individual. Activities were arranged for groups of people or on a one to one basis. Each person’s support contained a ‘weekly planner’ and set out the different types of things they liked to do during the weeks and at weekends.
The staff we spoke with spoke positively about the management and leadership of the home. One member of staff said; “I feel that the service is extremely well managed. The manager has achieved a lot in a short period of time”.
The complaints procedure in place. The procedure was available in an easy read format that could be understood by everyone who lived at the home. We looked at the complaints log and saw complaints had been responded to appropriately, with a response given to the individual complainant.
There were effective systems in place to regularly assess and monitor the quality of the service. They included audits of the medication systems, supports plans, money, fire safety, infection control and environment. There was evidence these systems identified any shortfalls and that improvements had been made.