20 April 2023
During a routine inspection
We rated it as inadequate because early in the inspection process we found numerous significant concerns and issued two warning notices in relation to the safe care and treatment of patients and the management and oversight of the service. We have placed the service in special measures. We found the following concerns:
- The service did not always provide safe care. There was insufficient attention to safeguarding. The service did not always control infection risk well. Staff did not always assess, monitor or manage risks to people who use the service. Equipment was not always checked to ensure it was safe to use and medication was not managed safely. There was little evidence of learning following incidents.
- The service was not always well-led. Leaders did not always have the capacity to lead effectively. Risk was not always managed and oversight in relation to governance processes was not always robust. Policies were not always reviewed and actions plans in relation to poor audit outcomes were not always considered or developed. The service did not always operate effective procedures to evidence that all staff employed were fit and proper persons. The service did not always engage well with patients and the community.
- Most staff had training in key skills and service had enough staff to care for patients and keep them safe. The clinic was visibly clean and the environment had recently been refurbished. Records were stored securely.
- Post inspection, the provider demonstrated a willingness to improve.