27 June and 3 July 2013
During a routine inspection
We spoke with 10 people who used the service, including visiting four people in their own homes accompanied by a senior member of the care staff. We spoke with the manager and with three other members of staff. We saw that accurate and appropriate records were maintained and that suitable arrangements were in place for supporting people with medicines. There were effective staff recruitment and selection processes.
All of the people who we spoke with gave positive feedback about the care they received. One person said: 'They are very efficient and very caring. I think they're absolutely fantastic, hardworking and kind'. Another person told us: 'I can't speak highly enough of them. When I came out of hospital I was very low. Within an hour, they made me feel alright'. People were complimentary about the staff. One person told us: 'They all seem to be quite skilled and know what to do'. Another person said: 'The carers are terrific. I have absolute confidence in them'.