7 January 2013
During an inspection looking at part of the service
The provider sent us a copy of their action plan in November 2012. The purpose of this visit was to check that the necessary improvements had been made.
The acting manager told us that people’s care plans had been updated and now included the advice given by the speech and language therapist. Staff had received training in this area and understood what types of food and drink people could safely consumed and how they should be prepared.
During our visit we looked at ten care plans and saw that the advice of health professionals was being incorporated into people’s plans of care.
We saw from records that people’s fluid and food intake was recorded by care staff and checked by the qualified nursing staff. We saw evidence that concerns identified in this area were acted on and referrals made to relevant health professionals.
During our visit we found that systems had been put in place to ensure that the service provided, was planned and delivered in a way that was intended to ensure people's safety and welfare. The provider was now meeting this essential standard.