About the service: Woodcroft is a care home that provides personal care for up to 50 people, some of whom are living with dementia. At the time of the inspection 43 people lived at the service. Most people lived there permanently, and some people spent short periods there to provide respite to their main carers.People’s experience of using this service: The service provided outstanding care and emotional support to people living in the home. The registered manager and staff were exceptionally caring and encouraged people to do well in achieving their goals. Staff demonstrated a real empathy for the people they cared for. The service's visions and values promoted people's rights to make choices and live a dignified and fulfilled life, this was reflected in the care and support that people received.
There was a strong recognition that people were individuals and the care and support provided ensured their needs were met and resulted in positive and improved outcomes for people. People received a service that was extremely responsive and based upon a person-centred approach and best practice. They had achieved exceptional results and improved people's emotional and psychological wellbeing.
The registered manager and staff worked extremely hard to find ways to ensure people were engaged and stimulated. Activities were meaningful and people were provided with choice and opportunities dependent on their needs or interest.
The registered manager and staff worked in a way that put the needs of people first. Care plans were extremely informative and reflected people’s likes and dislikes in detail. The registered manager and staff knew every person they cared for in depth, what was important to them and the best way to provide care to them.
The registered manager displayed exceptional leadership qualities, drive and enthusiasm. They empowered staff to provide care that was tailored to individual's needs. Staff were highly motivated by the registered manager and showed pride in their work and the support they gave to people.
Without exception people, their relatives and professionals told us they experienced compassionate care from staff. This ensured the service was run in the best interest of people who used the service.
A comprehensive programme of audits and checks was in place to monitor all aspects of the service, including care delivery, accidents and incidents, health and safety, infection prevention and control and medicines. Audits resulted in clear action plans to address shortfalls or areas of improvement.
Rating at last inspection: The service had been rated Good at the last inspection in September 2016.
Why we inspected: This was a scheduled inspection based on the previous rating of the service.
Follow up: We will continue to monitor intelligence we receive about the service until we return to visit as per our re-inspection programme.