The inspection helped answer our five questions: Is the service caring? Is the service responsive? Is the service safe? Is the service effective? Is the service well led?Below is a summary of what we found. The summary is based on our observations during the inspection, speaking with people using the service, their relatives, the staff supporting them and from looking at records.
If you want to see the evidence supporting our summary please read the full report.
Is the service safe?
People living in the home were treated with dignity and respect by the staff that supported them. We received a number of positive comments about care workers, such as "they're wonderful". Another person told us "it's great here". One person told us that they totally trusted the home to care for their relative.
Where there were risks associated with people's health, these were assessed and appropriate support plans put in place. For example, we saw that Waterlow assessments were used to assess whether people were at risk of pressure damage to the skin. Bed rail assessments were used to ensure that these were used safely. Risk assessments were reviewed on a regular basis.
Is the service effective?
People living in the home and their representatives were involved in the care planning and review process. This helped ensure that support was person centred and reflected the needs of each individual. One person that we spoke with told us that they had received a very prompt reply when they had emailed the home to discuss an aspect of their relative's health.
Staff told us that communication was good in the home, so that staff would be aware of any particular issues relating to individuals. This information was discussed at handovers.
Is the service caring?
People that we spoke with during our inspection gave positive feedback about the home and the staff. One person told us that they'd been very well looked after when they came back to the home from hospital. This person also told us that staff had gone out to buy their favourite drink for their birthday.
We made observations of people receiving the support they needed, in line with their care plan. For example, we saw one person being supported with their breakfast meal and the food they were given was identified as their preferred breakfast in their care plan.
One person told us about how staff took time to discuss an album of photographs with their relative. The photographs in the album showed important and significant events in the person's life.
Is the service responsive?
We saw that the service worked well with other healthcare professionals. For example, in the case of one person who was under the care of district nurses, we saw that staff communicated with the nurses when the dressing required changing. One family member told us that staff would always speak with the GP if they had any concerns about their relative's health.
When any areas for improvement were identified by other agencies, we saw that the service took action to address them. For example, a report by commissioners found that there needed to be more 'dementia specific' activities. We asked what had been done in response to this finding and we were told that 'rummage bags' had been put in place for two people in the home with dementia.
We also saw minutes of health and safety committee meetings where any accidents and incidents were discussed. This provided opportunity to identify any learning points and put any required action plans in to place.
Is the service well led?
We saw that there were systems in place to monitor the quality and safety of the service provided. This included gathering the views of people living in the home and their relatives. People had opportunity to attend a monthly service user meeting if they wished to do so, and were also asked for feedback through a survey every 15 months.
The home received regular visits from a 'development advisor' within the organisation and these visits focused on specific themes each visit. For example we saw reports on personal care/resident's rights and another on maintenance.
Any accidents and incidents that occurred in the home were recorded and analysed on a monthly basis.