About the service: Welholme Road is a care home that provides personal care and accommodation for up to 16 people who are living with a mental health disorder, physical disability and drug or substance misuse.People received a service that provided them with safe care. Safeguarding policies and procedures were in place to protect people from harm and abuse. Robust medicine management was in place. Staff followed infection prevention and control practices. Staffing levels were monitored so that people gained the support they required.
Staff received appropriate induction, training and support and applied learning effectively in line with best practice. This led to good outcomes for people.
Where risks to people’s wellbeing were known their care records and support plans provided relevant guidance for staff to help them maintain their wellbeing.
Where people were unable to consent to their care or treatment the provider followed appropriate legislation to make sure decisions about their care and support were made in the person's best interest.
People living at Welhome Road told us they were satisfied with the service provided. Staff understood the importance of providing person-centred care and developed positive supportive relationships with people. Staff encouraged people’s independence and the development of positive life skills. This enabled people to live free from unnecessary restrictions.
Staff provided kind, caring and compassionate support for people living at the service. People were provided with information in a format that met their needs.
Staff undertook training to develop and enhance their skills. Staff worked closely with healthcare professionals and sought their advice, guidance and support to promote people’s wellbeing. People’s dietary needs were met. End of life care was provided with support from relevant health care professionals. Concerns and complaints raised were dealt with appropriately.
A range of checks and audits were undertaken to assess the quality of service. People were asked for their feedback about the service which was acted upon. Continuous improvement, learning and innovation was encouraged by the management team. Community links were developed and promoted. Data security was maintained.
Rating at last inspection: At the last inspection the service was rated Good (report published on 08/11/2016).
Why we inspected: This was a planned inspection based on the rating at the last inspection.
Follow up: We will continue to monitor this service and inspect in line with our re-inspection schedule or sooner if we receive information of concern.
For more details, please see the full report which is on the CQC website at www.cqc.org.uk.