30 June 2013
During an inspection in response to concerns
We visited the rooms of people living there and found that call bells were connected. For those people resting in their rooms, they were either holding the call bell or it was in close proximity to them. This enabled them to call for help if they needed it.
We spoke with relatives of people using the service and we were told that they had experienced call bells being disconnected. One person said, "I have found the call bell disconnected on two occasions recently. Once my relative was soaking wet and I was told by a member of staff that they would deal with it after they had handed over to the next shift." The general view from people we spoke with was that care was good but at times the standards dropped.
We found that the provider had systems in place to reduce the risk of exposure to a health care associated infection. Carers were able to manage the cleaning of the home and provide appropriate levels of care for people without the risk of infection.
The equipment made available by the provider was in working order, sufficient in quantity and repaired when necessary in a timely fashion.
The staff were supported by their line managers and there was a culture of openness within the service. Staff had not experienced any bullying, harassment or victimisation.