We spoke with people who used the service who told us 'the care is very good' we also spoke with people's relatives who said they were 'very happy' and that they 'were lucky to find it'. We also observed the care provided. We saw that people were treated with dignity and respect. They were given choices by the carer staff and their wishes were respected. Relatives also told us that staff were 'kind and considerate'
We found that people and their representatives had been involved in the care planning process. We spoke with relatives who told us that they had seen the care plan and were 'impressed with it'. They also informed us that they had signed the care plan on behalf of their relative.
We saw that the care plans and risk assessments were comprehensive and gave clear instructions to the carer staff regarding the provision of care to people.
We found that people were safeguarded against the risk of abuse.
We reviewed staff records and saw that staff received an induction programme and were able to access a range of training. We found that the manager was providing staff with practical supervision; however the supervision process was not recorded in line with the provider's policy.
We found that the manager was auditing the quality of the service and had sent out a quality assurance survey. They also sought informal feedback from people who used the service and their relatives. We were told by relatives that the manager sought their feedback regularly.