We spoke with three members of staff, four people who use the service, two relatives and an advocate.Before people received any care or support they were asked for their consent and the provider acted in accordance with their wishes. Staff told us they supported people to make daily decisions about their lives. The relatives and advocate we spoke with also confirmed that staff offered daily choices to people and encouraged them to carry out tasks, where possible, for themselves.
People's needs were assessed and care and treatment was planned and delivered in line with their individual care plan. The two care records viewed provided staff with a good picture of each person, their needs and how these were to be met. Appointments were recorded, along with the outcome, if people saw a healthcare professional. This ensured that staff could monitor people's health needs and respond accordingly if they changed.
The home had polices and training for staff in place to protect people from abuse.
There were systems in place to review the quality of the service. Various audits took place in order to monitor the running of the home and any issues identified were recorded so they could be addressed. The staff team obtained the views of people in different ways. We saw that house meetings took place on a regular basis where people could hear news about the home and share their views. Staff told us that there had been individual meetings held recently to re-assess people’s needs and to gain their views and their representatives regarding the possible changes to the home.
There were not always enough staff working each shift to meet people's needs. We viewed the rota and saw that at weekends and occasionally in the week there was one member of staff working on a shift. The six people living in the home could not go out without a member of staff and one person used a wheelchair when they went out in the community. The registered manager was not on the rota and not based in the home. Another manager usually worked as few hours a week in the home to provide support and assistance to people and the staff team.