We spent two half hour periods of observation in the reception area when people who used the service were coming to appointments. During that time we spoke with five people who used the service and a volunteer and asked them for their views. People who used the service understood the care and treatment choices available to them. One person told us, 'I have had two orders from the court to come here in the past but I have self referred off my own back because of my previous experience.' Another person told us, 'They pushed loads of programmes at me. I don't always want to do them but then think why not, it might help. They put energy into people who want to change.
People expressed their views and were involved in making decisions about their care and treatment. One person told us, 'I was involved in my assessment and recovery plan, they are individual to me. Their input is from being qualified and knowing what works best.' Another person said, 'I feel I am getting help from them on what I want. They ask you if you want to do things.'
People who used the service were given appropriate information and support regarding their care or treatment. We were told by one person, 'They keep me informed.' Another person said, 'I have five appointments a week, sometimes they have to go off elsewhere, I understand that but they could text me if they are not in the building to say we need to reorganise. I have to tell them if I am not able to make it.'
People were supported in promoting their independence and community involvement. One of the people we spoke with said, 'I trust them. They have people who have been there and used drugs work in the caf' (known as recovery champions). That's good it works well with the others.' Someone else said, 'I come here when I am not in jail, it saves me from going back to prison.'
Peoples' diversity, values and human rights were respected. Each of the people we spoke with said they had signed a confidentiality statement and had given consent for staff to share information with other professionals if they needed to. Two people commented they felt respected, one said, 'They're good here. They treat me with respect, I don't feel judged here. If I did I would say.' Another person told us, 'They have never been rude to me when I've been a bit short with them.'
Care and treatment was planned and delivered in a way that ensured people's safety and welfare. When we spoke with people who used the service they told us they valued being able to call in outside of arranged appointments. One person said, 'I can come here anytime I want to.' Another person said, 'I have been clean for two weeks with the support from here.' One person who had not been seen when they had come early for an appointment said, 'It's hard when they don't understand, if I need to speak to someone, there should be someone there.
There were arrangements in place to deal with foreseeable emergencies. One of the people we spoke with told us, 'Overall it is a great place to come if having a crisis. You don't just stick to your planned sessions, you explain you're having a problem and can talk to whoever is available.'
People who used the service were protected from the risk of abuse, because the provider had taken reasonable steps to identify the possibility of abuse and prevent abuse from happening. Four of the five people who used the service we spoke with described the service as a safe place. One person told us, 'It is a safe place, we are our own community.' Someone else said, 'It is safe here, but it can put temptation under your nose.'
Another person told us, 'I feel they try to protect me, I pick up my prescription daily. One issue is you get given Sunday's prescription on Saturday. I think it would help protect people who were feeling vulnerable to have it on the day. I can't understand why they do that.'
Staff received appropriate professional development. People who used the service told us they thought the staff were suitably trained. One person told us, 'I come here as they know what they are doing.' Another person said, 'They use good people in here to help us.'
The provider took account of complaints and comments to improve the service. People who used the service described being able to comment on how the service was run and about their experiences. One person said, 'There are slips if we get any problems or questions and put them in a sealed letter box. It gives us a chance to have a say. I say straight to people, they take on board what you tell them.' Another person said, 'I tell them to their face if I speak like a grown up they listen and if I chuck my dummy out they tell me to go away and come back when I can speak properly to them.'