7 April 2021
During an inspection looking at part of the service
Elliot Avenue is a two storey residential care home and is able to provide accommodation and personal care for up to six people living with autism and learning difficulties. At the time of our inspection there were four people living there in one adapted building.
We found the following examples of good practice.
Staff had regular and effective infection prevention and control (IPC) training. This helped support good practises including putting on, taking off and disposing of PPE correctly. There were processes and checks in place to help reduce risks of infections for people and staff and visitors not subject to regular COVID-19 testing, including health questionnaires and temperature checks.
There were enough staff who could work in separate groups known as a cohort. Only these staff would care for people who needed to isolate to avoid the risk of cross contamination. Frequently touched items such as handrails, light switches and furniture were cleaned using appropriate disinfectants.
The registered manager adhered to IPC guidance by ensuring people who had a need to attend healthcare appointments were safely readmitted to the service. This included isolating away from other people. Items such as bedding and clothing was laundered separately and people were supported to avoid contact with other people until it was safe to do so.
The provider’s policies and audits promoted a safety culture where all staff and people using the service had been vaccinated. Audits of IPC practice ensured the cleaning and disinfection programme was effective with attention to detail in ensuring the home and vehicles used by people were kept clean and tidy.
Staff helped support visits to people in a safe way. Other means of staying in touch with relatives and friends included, visiting relatives at home, frequent telephone calls, social media and e-mails. Risks to people or staff at increased risk were managed well to help ensure they stayed safer.