29 January 2014
During a routine inspection
People we spoke with all said the service got their consent before any support was given. One said 'Yes, they are always here to solve my problems, I'm never scared of being on my own, but I have my own room and make decisions.'
People we spoke with all spoke highly of the staff and how they were supported. Comments included, 'I look after myself, microwave my dinners and that'.but they help me if I need anything.' And, 'They handle my money so I can get what I want without getting in a mess.'
People were confident the staff were able to meet their needs. Everyone we spoke with said they knew all the staff that came to support them. One said, 'They've been here ages so I know them, no one has left which shows it's a good place.'
The service had a quality assurance manager who was sent monthly quality assurance audits from each property supported by the service. Action plans were developed and responsibility agreed within house meetings
We did not speak to anyone who had ever wanted to complain. People told us they were more than happy with the service. One person said, 'I've never complained, they're lovely.'