14 November 2013
During a routine inspection
They also told us that they were satisfied with the standard of care provided and were of the opinion that staff understood their needs. We were able to speak individually with people using the service who told us they were happy with the support provided by Reablement-extracare.
Some comments made were "Staff are very pleasant and on time'; 'I think the service is great'; 'They involve me in the care I receive' and 'Everything is perfect.'
We found they were treated respectfully, given support to have their say in how they wanted to be helped and were supported to do the things they wanted to do.
Systems were in place to offer protection to the people who use the service from abuse and people spoken with confirmed that they felt safe and had no concerns regarding the care provided.
The people who accessed the service provided by Reablement-extracare were cared for by staff that were appropriately recruited, well trained and experienced at supporting them.
No complaints, concerns or allegations were received from the people using the service during our visit and the provider confirmed that they had not received any formal complaints in the past 12 months.