Background to this inspection
13 February 2019
Cannock MRI Unit is operated by Alliance Medical Limited. The unit has been in operation since 1997 based at Cannock Chase hospital. In 2008 MRI unit became part of Alliance Medical Limited.
The service provides diagnostic MRI scans to the local acute trust through a scan only contract and a comprehensive service to primary and secondary care referrers in the surrounding areas including GP’s, physiotherapists and specialist partnership trusts. The service also carries out research, insurance and self- pay scans. The service case mix is varied, predominantly musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions, neurological and Ears, Nose and Throat (ENT) with some use of contrast agents’ injections.
The unit has had a Registered Manager in post since 2011. We inspected this service on 6 November 2018. This was the first inspection since Registration In 2011.
13 February 2019
We rated this service as Good overall.
We found good practice in relation to diagnostic imaging:
The service managed staffing effectively and services always had enough staff with the appropriate skills, experience and training to keep patients safe and to meet their care needs.
There were effective systems in place to keep people protected from avoidable harm.
Staff understood their obligations regarding patient consent and the Mental Capacity Act.
There was a programme in place for mandatory training, which all staff completed along with competencies check specific for diagnostics services.
Equipment was well maintained and serviced appropriately.
Environment was visibly clean and clutter free.
Staff demonstrated good understanding of safeguarding and were able to evidence this during our inspection.
Medicines were stored securely and were managed in line with best practice.
Staff knew how to report incident and learning from incidents was implemented.
The service used evidence-based processes and best practice, this followed recognised protocols. They used technology to improve the service they provided.
Staff were skilled and competent in their fields and kept up to date with their professional practice.
Scans were timely, effective and passed back to refers to be reported on.
Records were kept up to date, legible and easy to read.
The service worked well with external and internal colleagues, and staff worked well as a team.
Flexible appointments were available during day, evenings and weekends.
Risks were identified, assessed and mitigated. Performances was closely monitored, and data was used to improve the service for both patients and staff.
The service was managed by supportive staff and competent managers.
Staff understood vision and values of the organisation.
Staff morale and culture was positive, and staff demonstrated a professional and passionate attitude towards work and patients.
13 February 2019
MRI was the only Diagnostic activity the service provided at this site.
We rated this service as ‘good’ because it was safe, caring, responsive and well-led. We did not rate the ‘effective’ domain.