• Care Home
  • Care home

Sunningdale House Care Home

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

31 Kings Road, Honiton, Devon, EX14 1HW (01404) 41677

Provided and run by:
The Adelaide Lodge Care Home Limited Liability Partnership

Report from 19 December 2023 assessment


  • Overall


  • Safe


  • Effective


  • Caring


  • Responsive


  • Well-led


Our view of the service

Sunningdale House Care Home is registered to provide accommodation for up to 19 people who require personal care. The service is intended for older people, who may be living with a physical disability, mental health needs or a dementia type illness. The care home accommodates 19 people in one adapted building. There were 18 people living at the service at the time of the inspection.

We looked at 3 key question areas (safe, caring and responsive) and 5 quality statements: safeguarding, involving people to manage risks, safe and effective staffing, independence, choice and control, and equity in experiences and outcomes.

The assessment, which included both on and off site activities, took place between 05 January 2024 and 11 January 2024. We carried out an unannounced visit to the service on 05 January 2024.

We met with all the people at the service and spoke with 6 people in depth and 2 relatives. We also observed the care and support provided to people across the day of our visit. We spoke with 9 members of staff and received feedback from a further 3 by email. We also spoke with the registered manager, and a director. In addition, we sought feedback from the local authority and professionals who work with the service. We received feedback from 5 professionals. We found good outcomes for people living at the service in all the areas we assessed.

People's experience of this service

Feedback from people, relatives and professionals who worked closely with the service, was positive. People told us they felt safe living at the service. This was because they were confident in the skills and competency of staff. Comments included, “Yes, it’s pretty good here…Staff are very good. They are well trained. They know me well enough now!” and “Yes, indeed I am (safe). I have a mat in case I fall, that is caring and safe for me”.

Professionals expressed confidence in the service. Comments included, “I always receive the necessary support from staff at Sunningdale to carry out my work. I'm always confident that advice given will be acted on. It's a pleasure to visit this lovely home” and “I think the home seems to work well with me. They monitor medical issues well and always ask me if there are any issues identified”.

The atmosphere in the service was calm and friendly. Staff treated people with dignity and respect. One person said, “They (staff) are all very good. That’s the most important thing, they care”. A relative commented, “Staff are very caring, they try hard. Overall, we are happy (the person) is settled here”. Staff encouraged people to maintain their independence, choice and control as far as possible. People told us routines were flexible and they could choose how and where to spend their day.

We found the service was working within the principles of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA) and if needed, appropriate legal authorisations were requested to deprive a person of their liberty.

People’s individual risks were identified, and the necessary risk assessment reviews were carried out to keep people safe. The provider had systems in place to report, record and review any concerns that were raised. People were supported by enough staff who had the right skills and experience to provide safe care that met their needs. There were safe and effective recruitment and selection processes in place.