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Dale Lodge
Report from 30 January 2024 assessment
Our view of the service
We undertook this assessment of Dale Lodge 06-13 February 2024. Dale Lodge provides personal care and accommodation for up to 20 people. The service supports older people and people who live with dementia.
During this assessment we looked at how people were protected from the risk of abuse, staffing and how people’s care needs were met. We also reviewed staff training, how people were supported with independence and equality in outcomes.
We spoke with 4 people who used the service, 11 relatives/ loved ones and 5 staff. This included the registered manager. Some people could not fully verbalise their feedback, we observed their interactions with other people and staff. We looked at 4 people’s care plans.
The service had systems and processes in place to protect people from the risk of abuse. Staff had the appropriate guidance to support people safely and knew people well. There was enough staff to support people and staff had the skills and knowledge they needed. Staff had been recruited safely.
People were encouraged to join in appropriate activities throughout the day and there was a friendly and happy atmosphere at the service. People were encouraged to maintain their independence and be active where possible. Staff communicated with people and ensured people had choices about their care. People told us their choices were respected.
Staff understood how people’s protected characteristics, such as disability, could impact on their lives and support was tailored to meet people’s needs. Staff ensured people were supported to continue to lead active lives as much as possible, for example by continuing to go out in to the community.
The rating at our last inspection, published 12 April 2019, was Good. At this assessment the rating remains the same.
People's experience of this service
People were happy living at the service and with the support they received. This was reflected in the atmosphere and in what people told us. Feedback from people and their friends and family was positive about the service and people’s experience living there. One relative said, “I can’t praise the place enough. I’m happy with him being there.”
People felt safe living at the service and that they were supported by enough staff. People and their relatives were complimentary about the staff and the support they provided. One relative told us, “They care and have incredible patience for the residents.”
People’s wishes were respected by staff and people had a say in the support provided to them. People were supported to maintain their independence and to go on trips if they wished to do so.