3 August 2013
During a routine inspection
Staff understood the principles of consent and ensuring people were asked for their consent before treatment was given. Where this was not possible decisions were made in people's best interests following the principles of the Mental Capacity Act (2005) and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards. This meant people's human rights were respected.
We found care records accurately reflected the care people were receiving. Assessments had been completed to identify risk and these were incorporated in to people's care plans. Staff knew people well and were able to respond to their subtle changes in mood and presentation to keep them safe and well.
We found there was a robust system in place to ensure the safe handling and storage of medicines. Regular audit identified any issues in this area and actions were promptly taken to address any areas identified.
Staff told us they felt there was ample training. Essential training was frequent but staff were also encouraged to do additional courses to improve their clinical skills and take lead roles in areas such as infection control. Supervision and appraisal were regular and staff felt supported.