Care service descriptionThe Pantiles is a care home that provides care, support and accommodation for a maximum of 16 older people some of whom were living with dementia. At the time of the inspection 15 people were living at the service.
Rating at last inspection
At our last inspection we rated the service good. At this inspection we found the evidence continued to support the rating of good and there was no evidence or information from our inspection and ongoing monitoring that demonstrated serious risks or concerns. This inspection report is written in a shorter format because our overall rating of the service has not changed since our last inspection.
Why the service is rated good
People felt safe with staff and staff were aware of the safeguarding procedure. Relatives also felt their family members were safe. There were sufficient levels of staff on duty to ensure that people’s needs were met. Recruitment was robust to ensure that only appropriate staff were employed.
Risks to people’s care was managed well by staff and people received their medicines in a safe way. Regular health and safety checks of the premises and equipment were carried out. The provider had up-to date procedures to help ensure people remained safe in an emergency. Staff were effective in ensuring the service was clean and that they adhered to good infection control.
People were treated in a caring and respectful way by staff. We observed staff to be kind and considerate to people. People were supported with their independence and had choices around their delivery of care. Visitors and family were welcomed to the service.
People's needs had been assessed before moving in to the service. Care plans reflected people's needs and preferences. Care plans were evaluated regularly so they contained information about people's current needs. People had access to health care professionals and staff followed the advice given. People were supported with their nutrition and hydration needs and people enjoyed the food provided to them.
Staff received appropriate training and supervision in relation to their role. Staff understood the principles of the MCA and what they needed to do if they suspected a person lacked capacity. The environment of the service was set up to meet the needs of people.
People chose how they spent their time and could take part in activities if they wanted to. Trips were arranged for people outside of the service. Staff worked well together and communicated changes to people’s needs to each other. People received good end of life care. Improvements were being made around the planning of end of life care.
People told us that they would speak to staff if they had any concerns. There was a complaints procedure in place and complaints were investigated and responded to.
The provider carried out quality assurance checks to ensure people received a good standard of care. Staff consulted with outside professionals to ensure the best delivery of care. People and staff had provided feedback when they were consulted about the service. Notification were sent to the CQC where appropriate.
Further information is in the detailed findings below.