- Independent hospital
Diaverum Dialysis Clinic - Rotherham
All Inspections
15 January 2013
During a routine inspection
People had care records which reflected the needs of each individual. People were able to contribute to their care and treatment record. One person said, 'The staff discuss my treatment with me and explain what is happening.' Another person said, 'Staff support me and meet my needs.'
People who used the service felt safe and told us that the staff were very caring. We observed staff interacting with people and they were calm and polite in their manner. One person said, 'The staff are very professional here.'
The environment was clean. There were procedures in place to reduce the spread of infection. We spoke with people who used the service and they said that the clinic was always clean.
Appropriate checks were undertaken before staff began work. We looked at the employment records of staff which confirmed this.
People knew how to complain if they needed to. The complaints procedure was available in the patient handbook and also in the patients' sitting area. One person said, 'I have never had to complain but if I had a problem I would tell the staff.' Another person said, 'Staff would sort anything out if I needed them to.'