• Care Home
  • Care home

Archived: UBU - 403 Blackpool Old Road

403 Blackpool Old Road, HighFurlong, Blackpool, Lancashire, FY3 7LT (01253) 395065

Provided and run by:
Northern Life Care Limited

All Inspections

19 December 2013

During a routine inspection

During our inspection we looked at care records, staffing levels and arrangements for meal times. We checked maintenance records, undertook a tour of the building and spoke with one person living at the home. We did this to confirm people were supported and staffing levels were sufficient to meet people's needs. We observed care practices and saw people were treated with respect and dignity.

We spoke with one person living at the home. She told us she was happy and liked the staff who supported her. The person said, 'I like it here and never want to leave. The staff are brilliant and look after me'.

We found the dietary needs and preferences of people living at the home had been documented and staff were aware of these.

We found staffing levels were adequate with an appropriate skill mix to meet the needs of people using the service. We observed the staff team providing sensitive and flexible personal care support. The staff were kind and patient and showed a good understanding of the needs of the people in their care.

During our inspection we contacted the Blackpool contracts monitoring team. They told us they currently had no concerns with the service being provided by the home.

We also spoke with Lancashire fire & rescue service. They told us they had issued an action plan for some minor works when they last visited the home. We were able to confirm during the inspection the work requested had been completed.

11 February 2013

During a routine inspection

During our inspection we looked at care records, medication practices, staff training and supervision records. We did this to confirm people were well supported and staff members had been trained properly.

The two people staying at the home had limited speech and we were unable to gain their views about the service being provided. However, we were able to observe throughout our inspection that they were cared for. We saw that they responded affectionately to the staff supporting them. We saw both people could communicate their wishes with staff members through facial expressions and body language. We noted these were understood and responded to. We observed the staff team provided sensitive and flexible personal care support. The staff were kind and patient and showed an understanding of the needs of the people in their care.

We observed staff assisting both people using moving and handling equipment. The staff were patient and took care to ensure the people being supported were comfortable and safe.

During our inspection we contacted the Blackpool contracts monitoring team. They told us they currently had no concerns with the service being provided by the home.

8 February 2012

During a routine inspection

The three people staying at the home all had limited vocabulary and we were unable to gain their views about the service being provided. However, we were able to observe throughout our inspection that they were well cared for and responded affectionately to the staff supporting them.

We were able to observe they could communicate their wishes with staff members through facial expressions and body language and these were clearly understood. Throughout the inspection we observed people being encouraged to express their views and be involved in decision making about their care. This included what they would like to wear, their choice of breakfast and preferred daily routine.

During our inspection we observed the staff team providing sensitive and flexible personal care support. The staff were kind and patient and showed a good understanding of the needs of the people in their care.

We saw staff members supporting people to make decisions about their daily lifestyle. We observed staff members recognising and responding appropriately to the needs of people unable to express their wishes verbally because of limited vocabulary.

We contacted the relative of one person and they told us they were very happy with the care provided.

"We are always kept informed about our daughter's welfare. We have no concerns about the home and the service they provide".

"Our daughter has been very poorly recently. She received excellent care and they kept us fully informed about her progress. We can't fault the care. The staff are always courteous and friendly whenever we visit".

"We are satisfied that our daughter is safe and being well cared for".