11 October 2013
During a routine inspection
We spoke with eight people who received support from the network to obtain their views on how well the staff members were providing safe and appropriate care. They all told us that they liked living in their houses and that the staff members supporting them were good.
The relationships we saw during the home visits were warm, dignified, respectful and with plenty of smiles and laughter.
Crewe and Nantwich Supported Living Network had a safeguarding policy in place. This included local procedures which staff would follow if they needed to report an alleged incident to the correct authorities. This was designed to ensure that any possible problems that arose were dealt with openly and people were protected from possible harm.
There was a consistent team of staff within the network and we did not have any concerns regarding either their numbers or suitability. The staff members we spoke to were very positive about the service. Comments included; 'I love my job' and 'I love my job, people are living their own lives.'
Information about the safety and quality of service provided was gathered on a continuous and ongoing basis with feedback from the people who used the service.