Below is a summary of what we found. The summary describes what we observed, the records we looked at, and what the people who used the service, relatives, and the staff told us. During our inspection we talked with six of the people who used the service, three relatives, and four members of staff. Some of the people who lived at the home were not able to give their views due to their mental health needs. If you want to see the evidence that supports our summary please read the full report.
Is the service safe?
The people we talked with told us they felt safe at Pinxton Manor. The home had a calm and friendly atmosphere and people appeared comfortable and well-cared for. One person said, 'I'm very settled here and it feels like home. Everybody's very nice. I have no grumbles at all about this home.'
The manager had reviewed the security of the home following an incident when a person who was not safe to do so had left the home unaccompanied. When we visited there was a notice on the front door reminding staff and visitors of the need to keep the home secure. This helped to ensure there would be no repeat of this incident.
The manager and staff understood their responsibilities under the Mental Capacity Act Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (MCA DoLS). We identified that some improvements were needed to the home's own mental capacity assessment form and the manager said this would be addressed.
Is the service effective?
Staff got on well with the people who used the service and cared for them in a warm and supportive way. One relative told us, 'I like the way some of the carers talk to my (family member). They are so kind and gentle in their approach.' Another said, 'The staff are really kind and take an interest in my (family member).'
The people who used the service told us they were pleased with the care at Pinxton Manor. One person on bed rest said, 'I'm very comfy here. The staff bring me cups of tea and juice all day and they always have time for a chat.' Another person said, 'I've never had to wait for the staff. They always come straight away when I need them.'
People told us they enjoyed the daily activities provided by the home's two activity co-ordinators. These included reminiscence, home baking, chair exercises, and trips out to a local garden centre. One person said, 'We have out hair done one week and then our nails the next and a lady comes round doing activities.'
Relatives made many positive comments about the home including, 'This home is always nice and clean', and 'My (family member) always appears comfortable and happy when I visit.'
Describing their experience of life in the home one of the people who used the service told us, 'The views are wonderful and I have a very nice bedroom which is kept beautifully clean for me. And it's very quiet at night so I always get a good night sleep.'
Is the service caring?
We observed a nurse caring for a person who was on bed rest. She took this person a drink and encouraged then to drink it themselves. She spent time interacting with the person and making them smile. She did not rush them and made sure they were comfortable and safe before she left.
One person showed us a new shopping bag a member of staff had bought them as a present. It had pictures of their favourite animal on it and they told us they were very pleased with it.
Is the service responsive?
A relative told us their family member had asked to move rooms because the one they were in was too warm for them. The relative said they spoke to the manager who arranged a move within days. The relative said, 'I was impressed at how quickly this was done and the manager even said that if my (family member) was not happy in their new room they could go back to the old one.'
Another relative said, 'I haven't got any concerns about my (family member's) care. They are always clean and well-cared for when I visit.' They told us that if their family member needed to see a doctor, dentist or optician the home arranged this without them having to ask first.
We spent time in one of the lounges observing how staff cared for some of the people who used the service. Staff interacted well with people and were knowledgeable about their lives and families. This enabled them to chat to people about things that interested them. We saw one staff member looking at a photo album with one person, and another going round topping up people's cold drinks. At tea-time there were enough staff on duty to ensure that people who needed assistance with their meal received it.
Is the service well-led?
During our inspection two of the people who used the service joined us in the office to see how the inspection was progressing. We saw they were comfortable coming into the office and finding themselves a chair and were made to feel welcome by the registered manager.
We saw the registered manager got on well with the people who used the service and was knowledgeable about their care needs. A relative commented, 'The manager is usually around and easy to find. I often pop into the office for a chat. She is approachable, as are all the staff. If I have anything to say I just go and say it and I do get listened to.'
We found the home had not had a residents and relatives meeting since August 2013. We discussed this with the manager who said she would discuss this with staff with a view to holding one of these meetings in the near future.