At the time of our visit there were five people using the service. We met and introduced ourselves to four of these people. We spoke to three people in more depth to get their views of the service. People told us they were satisfied with the care and support provided to them.Two people who were using the service for a short term break told us that they enjoyed coming to Ashlea and said that they liked the staff team. Comments included, 'the staff are nice, I do quite a lot with them when I'm here, it's really good.' Another person told us, 'I like it here but I only stay a few days, staff are nice, I get on well with them.'
One person who had been staying at the service for a longer period had a discharge plan in place. This person told us, 'I am looking forward to going home, but I will miss everyone, the staff are really nice, we have a laugh and a joke together.'
Due to one person's needs they were unable to communicate their experiences of care to us. We observed staff supporting this person on a one to one basis throughout our visit. The relationship between staff and the people using the service was positive and it was evident that people felt comfortable with the support they received.