7 January 2016
During a routine inspection
ILS24 Health Care provides personal care services to people in their own homes. They specialise in providing care to people who amongst others have mental health conditions, learning and physical disabilities and are
living with dementia. At the time of our inspection eight people were receiving a personal care service.
A registered manager was in post and present for the inspection. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.
People who used the service, their relatives and staff told us they were able to speak with the director or registered manager if they had any concerns or complaints. The director or registered manager service completed unannounced spot checks on staff whilst they supported people in their home...
People we spoke with told us they felt safe using the service. Most people said their call times were adhered to. We saw policies and practice ensured people’s privacy and dignity was respected. Staff spoke highly of the director and registered manager and felt supported by them both.
Robust recruitment processes were in place which ensured staff were suitable to work with vulnerable adults.
Records we looked at and our discussions with staff showed they received regular training and were knowledgeable about their roles and responsibilities. They had the skills, knowledge and experience required to support people with their care and support needs. They told us they had attended safeguarding training and were aware of the policies in place regarding reporting concerns. Staff had not received any supervisions or appraisals. The director had plans to undertake supervision and appraisals with all staff. Dates had been arranged to complete these and this was evidenced on the day of inspection.
These were booked in for January 2016 with all staff. The supervision and appraisal policy stated yearly supervision and appraisal.
Appropriate arrangements were in place to manage the medicines of the people who used the service.
Staff supported people to healthcare appointments and provided personal care as required in their care plan. People were supported with meals and drinks in their home where required.
ILS24 Health Care had a complaints procedure in place. People who used the service, their relatives and staff knew how to complain. Complaints and compliments were dealt with in accordance with the agency policy.
There was an accidents and incidents file in the office which had an updated accident and incident policy in place. At the time of the inspection there had been two accidents and five incidents. The registered manager had completed all relevant paperwork and the outcome was recorded in accordance with their policy.
The registered manager had effective systems in place to ensure effective audits were carried out. The director had implemented an online recording system which was used to record when training; care plans and supervisions were due.