- Care home
Alder House Care Home
All Inspections
9 April 2019
During a routine inspection
Alder House is a residential care home in Nuthall (Nottinghamshire). It is registered to support 60 people, over three floors. On the day of the inspection visit, there were 52 people living at Alder House.
People’s experience of using this service:
People told us that they felt safe. The service managed risks safely and there were enough staff available to support people. These staff were recruited safely, to ensure they were appropriate to work with people. The environment was managed safely, it was clean and odour free. The service followed good infection control procedures.
The service was effective in the way it supported people. People were supported in line with evidence based guidance to ensure their needs were met effectively. Staff had good knowledge of people’s needs and had received appropriate training. People were supported to have a balanced diet and those at risk of weight loss were given appropriate support to manage this. People spoke positively about the food they were given. Staff worked collaboratively within the staff team, and with outside health and social care professionals. This ensured people received effective multi-agency support. Those people who required support making decisions (under the Mental Capacity act), were given this support in their best interests.
Everyone we spoke to told us that staff were caring. We observed caring interactions throughout our inspection visit. Staff actively involved people with planning their daily routines and listened to their preferences. People were given privacy and treated with dignity.
Care was very personalised to people’s preferences. We found personalisation was the ethos behind the service, and one of its key strengths. Staff knew people’s needs very well, and care plan records supported new staff to also have this knowledge quickly. Historic complaints and concerns had been listened too. People said that they have not needed to complain, but have faith in the registered manager to listen to them if they did complain. Those people who approached the end of their life, were supported in a dignified, caring and personalised way.
The service was well led. There has recently been a new registered manager in post. Staff spoke positively about their approach and leadership. It was apparent that the ‘good’ service managed by the previous registered manager had not changed. There was a clear governance framework and staff were aware of different responsibilities. People, stakeholders, outside professionals and relatives were all consulted on how to improve the service. Feedback was relayed to staff teams, and particularly praised staff were given additional recognition.
Rating at last inspection:
The last report was published as ‘Good’ (4 August 2016)
Why we inspected:
We last inspected in August 2016, and the inspection was required to ensure the service was still ‘good’. We had no concerns which prompted this visit, and it was planned as part of our usual inspection schedule. We routinely inspect services rated as ‘good’. This is to ensure the service remains at a good level and care is safe. We had no concerns when we planned this inspection. It was planned in line with our usual timelines.
Follow up:
We will continue to monitor intelligence we receive about the service until we return to visit as per our re-inspection programme. If any concerning information is received we may inspect sooner.
For more details, please see the full report which is on the CQC website at www.cqc.org.uk
5 July 2016
During a routine inspection
This was the first inspection at this service, as it had been recently registered. At the time of our inspection the service had 33 people living there. The service was offered over three floors. The second floor specialised in supporting people living with dementia.
There was a registered manager in place and he was available during the inspection. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.
People received safe and effective care from staff. Staff had a good understanding of the various types of harm and their roles and responsibilities in reporting any safeguarding concerns.
People’s care plans reflected their individual needs and personal wishes. People were involved in the development of their care plans and these were reviewed regularly.
Staff at the service were carefully recruited and were required to undergo a number of background checks prior to starting their employment. This helped to ensure only people with the required skills and of suitable character were employed.
People told us they received their medicines as prescribed. Staff were able to explain the process they follow when supporting people to safely take their medication. Records we checked confirmed this.
Staff received regular training and supervision and were able to reflect on the care and support they delivered and identified further training requirements.
The service encouraged feedback from all people involved with the service.
People were very satisfied with all aspects of the service provided and spoke highly of both staff and management. People received care and support from kind, caring and compassionate staff, who respected their privacy and dignity at all times.
People had confidence in the registered manager and the way the service was run. The vision and values of the staff team were person-centred and made sure people were at the heart of the service.