• Care Home
  • Care home

Marsh Farm Manor Care Home

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

Coped Hall, Royal Wootton Bassett, Swindon, SN4 8ER (01793) 310333

Provided and run by:
Anchor Hanover Group

Report from 4 April 2024 assessment


  • Overall


  • Safe


  • Effective

    Not rated

  • Caring


  • Responsive


  • Well-led

    Not rated

Our view of the service

Marsh Farm Manor Care Home provides regulated activity of Accommodation for persons who require nursing or personal care for up to 66 people. At the time of our assessment there were 18 people using the service. This service was registered with Care Quality Commission on the 16 October 2023. This is the first assessment for the service. We carried out a site visit at the service on the 25 January and 17 April 2024. Risks to people’s safety had been identified and there were management plans in place. Incidents and accidents were reviewed by the management team and any learning was cascaded to staff. Medicines were being managed safely. Staff had been recruited safely and told us they had been provided with a thorough induction prior to the home opening. Staff had the training needed to carry out their role safely and they were able to have supervisions. Staff told us they felt able to approach the management at any time and they were well supported with their wellbeing. We observed there were enough staff available to meet people’s needs. Staff we spoke with understood their safeguarding role in keeping people safe. Safeguarding training had been provided and staff told us they would report any concerns to their management. Staff had applied to the local authority for DoLS authorisations where needed and were waiting for the local authority to carry out assessments. The service was newly opened, and the environment purpose built to meet people’s needs. Checks to the safety of the building and any equipment were being completed. There was a registered manager in post who had been at the service since it opened. People had been assessed prior to moving into the service to make sure their needs could be met. A care plan was produced following the assessment and reviewed monthly or if needs changed. People had access to various healthcare professionals.

People's experience of this service

People told us they felt safe at the service. Comments included, “I feel very safe, the staff are always available if you need them” and “I feel very safe, not seen anything that has caused me a problem.” One person told us, “Staff will help me carry things to keep me safe when I am walking.” People knew who the registered manager was and felt able to raise concerns if they needed to. Comments included, “I have not raised any issues with [registered manager] but we see her often, she is very nice. I think she would help” and “I met the manager when I moved in, confident they would sort out any problems if I had one.” People were happy with the environment and told us it was new, clean and everything was working fine. One person said, “The home is lovely and clean, very nice. All the equipment in my room works.” Another person said, “The home is lovely, everything is spot on.” People told us there was enough staff available and they knew to ring their call bells if they needed help. People also told us they thought the staff were caring and had been trained. Comments about staff included, “There are always staff available, lots of them. The staff know what they are doing. I have a call bell, but I have not had to use it” and “There are always staff available, they are always asking me whether I am ok and whether there is anything they can do for me.” People were pleased with the support and care they received and felt they were supported to maintain their independence. One person said, “The staff treat me like a king. They are lovely, very respectful. They let me do what I need to do and don’t stifle me.” People had access to healthcare and were able to see a GP when they needed to. One person said, “I am able to see the doctor when I need to and I have been to hospital appointments.” Another person said, “I can see my GP whenever I need to, things work well. My family are involved and come to meetings to help me out.”