Heatherstones Court provides accommodation and personal care for up to 15 adults in 12 apartments. When we inspected the service there were five people who were supported with personal care. The inspection took place on 8 August 2018 and was announced. The last inspection was on 29 June 2017 and there was one breach of regulation 17, relating to good governance. This was because systems and processes were not robustly in place to assess and monitor the quality of the service. At this inspection, we found the provider had taken sufficient action to address the breach and ensure systems and processes were more thorough.
Heatherstones Court is a 'care home'. People in care homes receive accommodation and nursing or personal care as single package under one contractual agreement. CQC regulates both the premises and the care provided, and both were looked at during this inspection. Heatherstones Court provides accommodation and personal care for up to 15 adults in 12 apartments. This service provides short term residential care and support to enable people to regain independence and skills, lost through illness or injury. When we inspected the service there were five people who were supported with personal care.
People felt safe in the care of Heatherstones Court. Staff knew how to keep people safe and there were clear procedures and guidance in place for staff to manage risks. Risk assessments were much clearer and consistently recorded than at the last inspection. We recommended the provider addresses the fire officer's recommendations and keeps the fire safety risks under continuous review.
People were supported to have maximum control and choice over their lives and staff supported them in the least restrictive way possible. Policies and systems in the service supported this practice.
Systems for managing medicines had improved since the last inspection and documentation was clearer. The service was working closely with the local pharmacist to ensure safe practice. We made a recommendation for the management team to review the intervals at which controlled drugs stocks were reconciled with balances, in order to ensure irregularities were identified as soon as possible should these occur.
Staff were well supported and valued. There was regular communication with the management team through supervision, handovers and meetings. Staff training was in place and where there were some identified gaps, there were plans to ensure training was scheduled.
There was a clear assessment process which ensured people had choice and involvement in their care and support. Staff demonstrated caring and compassionate behaviours and attitudes towards the people they supported and their families.
Staff were committed to positive outcomes for people and placed emphasis on enabling people to be as independent as they could be to ensure they were ready to leave the service.
Staff supported people’s dignity and were respectful in verbal and written communications. Care was responsive to people’s needs and very person centred. There was clear emphasis on involving and including people as active partners working towards their goals.
Care records had much improved since the last inspection, information was accurately detailed and easy to locate. Information was person centred and presented in the first person style with individual input into the plans.
The complaints process was clear, although no complaints had been received.
Issues from the last inspection had been addressed and the management team was working to ensure further improvements could be made to the service.
The service was well run and the registered manager was aware of the strengths and areas to improve. Audits were clear with defined responsibilities and actions for improvement. Gaps in auditing had been identified and addressed by the management team. We made a recommendation for the service to develop the missing persons policy/procedure to align with the protocol already in use, the Herbert Protocol, an initiative introduced by West Yorkshire Police to help locate missing persons.