8 July 2019
During a routine inspection
Bedhampton Nursing Home and Specialist Care Unit was providing personal and nursing care to 39 people at the time of the inspection. The service can support up to 49 people. The service supports older people and younger adults who may have a sensory impairment or physical disability.
People’s experience of using this service and what we found
People received exceptional personalised care that met their needs and preferences. The service worked extremely hard to ensure people achieved their goals and enjoyed a good quality of life. Staff went to exceptional lengths to ensure people had access to a wide range of activities that met their individual needs. People’s communication needs were met using innovative methods and staff demonstrated a comprehensive understanding of the importance of this.
Staff were motivated to provide and maintain high standards of personalised care which treated people with dignity and respect. People and relatives consistently praised the caring nature of the staff.
People were kept safe from avoidable harm. Staff recognised the risks to people’s health, safety and well-being and knew how to support them safely. People received their medicines as prescribed. The environment was very clean and good infection control procedures were observed.
Healthcare professionals told us that the service worked very well with them, to provide good outcomes for people. People were positive about the food and drink. Staff were supported in their roles and had received training, so they were able to support people effectively.
People knew how to raise concerns. They had confidence in the registered manager and numerous complimentary comments were given about the running of the service.
A quality assurance system was in place to continually assess, monitor and improve the service. People, relatives, health and social care professionals and staff told us they would recommend the home to others.
We found the service met the characteristics of Outstanding in Responsive and Good in Safe, Effective, Caring and Well-led. More information is available in the full report.
Rating at last
The last rating for this service was good (published 31 January 2017).
Why we inspected
This was a planned inspection based on the previous rating.
Follow up
There is no required follow up to this inspection, however we will continue to monitor the service through information we receive.