13 August 2014
During a routine inspection
All of the patients we spoke with were very happy with the orthodontic treatment they received. One patient said 'it's been a very good experience. Everyone [the staff] is really helpful. They explained the commitment the treatment would require from me and they explained the reasons behind not being able to drink and eat certain things. I felt informed and I felt they wanted what was best for me'.
Patients said they were involved in their treatment plans and their permission was sought before any treatment started. A parent said 'we were referred by the dentist. We talked through the options and what it would mean. The children need to be quite disciplined. The staff stressed the need for the children to make a decision to 'buy into' [commit to] the treatment. We were well aware of the long term commitment'. Patients and parents told us they both signed consent forms to have treatment.
Patients we spoke with told us the practice was always clean and tidy, one said 'it looks clean and sterile'. We found current infection control guidelines were followed to reduce the risk of infection.
Staff told us they were supported to carry out their roles. We saw from training records the staff received training specific to their job. The practice was in the process of introducing a system of regular staff appraisal.
The practice operated a complaints procedure which was accessible to patients. There had been one complaint in the last year which had been responded to in line with the practice's policy. We saw that patients had received a full written response with a detailed explanation including information about NHS funding. The practice operated a system to ensure learning from informal complaints was shared.