28 May 2014
During a routine inspection
People spoke positively about the service they received. A parent told us 'they have a nice way with children.' Another parent described their dentist as 'marvellous.'
Records showed staff sought people's consent before treatment began. People told us they were well informed about options available to them. People were provided with a treatment plan and an estimate of the costs.
We observed people were greeted in a friendly manner by the reception staff. People spoke positively about their experiences of the reception and clinical staff. Reception staff were described as 'polite' and 'have a nice manner.' We were told there were no issues with making an appointment.
People told us they were very happy with the standard of cleanliness at the practice. We saw regular infection control audits were completed as recommended in the Department of Health's dental guidance HTM01-05.
Staff told us security checks were carried out prior to commencing employment with the provider. This ensured their suitability to work with vulnerable people. Staff received training appropriate to their role.
Arrangements were in place to respond to any concerns or complaints raised. Information on how to make a complaint or raise a concern was available to people.