• Care Home
  • Care home

Kingsbury Court

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

Guildford Road, Bisley, Woking, Surrey, GU24 9AB (01483) 494186

Provided and run by:
Maria Mallaband 14 Limited

Latest inspection summary

On this page

Our current view of the service


Updated 19 December 2023

Kingsbury Court is a residential and nursing home providing care to older people with physical and health related support needs, some of whom also live with dementia. The assessment was completed between 30 January and 16 February 2024. An unannounced site visit to the home was carried out on 30 January 2024. The registered manager made significant improvements around staffing and governance of the service since our last inspection. The provider was no longer in breach of regulations in safe staffing and good governance at the point of this assessment. The rating at our last inspection (published 29 September 2022) was requires improvement. At this assessment we found the service had improved and the rating is now good based on the review of the quality statements in Safe, Caring and Well-Led only.

People's experience of the service

Updated 19 December 2023

People and their relatives told us they felt safe in the home and with staff. One person said, “It does feel safe – I suppose it is because of the environment. Everything is nicely kept and there is always a carer around.” People and their relatives told us staff were competent to provide care safely. One relative said after explaining particular risk to their loved one and how this was addressed by staff, “We are totally happy with the care. [Person] is in a very safe space.” Another relative told us, “The safety aspect of the home is fine. There is no danger of her falling as she always uses the frame. I actually think it has prolonged her life living here. Even with carers at home she was not doing this well. She did not eat properly, and she kept falling. I feel that it is a safe environment for her.” People overall told us they could access support when they needed it. One person said, “It’s alright I suppose. Most of the time you can find someone if you need them. There’s normally someone on the desk. I don’t usually use the call bell as I don’t like to bother them. There’s always someone going up and down the corridor.” People and their relatives told us the home environment was safe and comfortable and staff followed good infection prevention and control practice. People said they were happy with the support they received around their medicines and could access healthcare services when needed. Several people told us there were things to do in the home and that they are encouraged to join in. People were asked for their suggestions and feedback during residents’ meetings and were listened to. Relatives felt included and treated as partners in people’s care. One relative said, “There are meetings to go to. They are useful and they do follow things up. Their communication is good. I can’t think of any improvements. I think it is alright.” People and their relatives knew the managers and were overall positive about the home’s leadership team.