• Dentist
  • Dentist

St John's Dental Practice

18 Bennetts Hill, Birmingham, West Midlands, B2 5QJ (0121) 643 0610

Provided and run by:
Dr. Robert Tennet

All Inspections

11 July 2014

During an inspection looking at part of the service

We undertook this follow up visit in response to concerns that we had identified during our previous inspection of the service in March 2013. Our visit was discussed and arranged with the provider in advance so that any disruption to people's care and treatment were minimised.

At our previous inspection we had identified that improvements were needed in relation to infection control. The decontamination room where the cleaning and sterilising of instruments took place did not provide a suitable environment. At this inspection we saw that there had been refurbishment of the decontamination room to support infection control procedures.

1 March 2013

During a routine inspection

Our visit was discussed and arranged with the practice two working days in advance. This was to ensure that we had time to see and speak to staff working at the practice. During the inspection we spoke with the provider (who was also a dentist at the practice), the practice manager, two dental nurses, a hygienist and a dentist. We spoke in person and by telephone with seven people who were who were registered with the practice to ask them about their experiences of the service.

People that used the practice told us that they were happy with the quality of treatment received. They felt they were given enough information about their treatment options and were able to ask all the questions they wanted to.

People told us that the practice was clean and tidy and that they had no concerns about hygiene. We found that some minor improvements were needed to infection control arrangements.

Staff received a range of training so that they had up to date knowledge and skills in order to treat people safely when they attended the practice.