- Dentist
Mona Lisa Smiles
All Inspections
20 February 2014
During a routine inspection
Patients spoke positively about the quality of care and treatment received. One patient described their care as '100/100' whilst another spoke positively about the use of new technology.
None of the patients we spoke with expressed concern about their safety whilst at the practice. One patient referred to staff as 'gentle and kind.'
We saw evidence that the provider undertook 6 monthly infection control audits in line with Department of Health guidance. We looked at the latest audit results and were able to confirm, for example, that dental chairs were clean and free from rips and tears.
Records were kept securely. During our inspection we saw that patient paper records were stored in lockable cabinets behind the reception desk. We also saw that access to patient electronic computer records was password protected and that each member of staff had their own 'log on ID.'
10 August 2012
During a routine inspection
Detailed assessments and treatment plans had been prepared for patients. Treatment had been given with patients' agreement and written consent.
The premises were clean and well maintained. There were arrangements for infection control and appropriate checks in place to ensure standards were adhered to. Staff were knowledgeable about infection control and decontamination procedures for equipment and instruments used. Patients told us they were happy with the cleanliness of the practice and said it was 'very bright and pleasant".