- Homecare service
Rapid Improvement Care Agency
Report from 10 October 2024 assessment
Our view of the service
Rapid Improvement Care Agency is registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) to provide domiciliary care and supported living services. At the time of assessment, the agency supported 89 older people through home care and two younger adults with a learning disability and/or autism in a supported living setting. While CQC does not regulate supported living premises, we assess the quality of care provided. CQC expects providers to ensure people with a learning disability and autistic people are treated with respect, dignity, and equality, while promoting their independence, choices, and access to the community. The agency’s service aligns with the principles of Right Support, Right Care, Right Culture and relevant best practice guidance. The last inspection rated the service as Good (published 6th March 2023). This inspection was triggered by concerns regarding the coordination and monitoring of care visits and staff training. A short-notice announced inspection took place from 15th to 23rd October 2024, focusing on 15 quality statements under the key questions: Is the service safe? and Is the service well-led? An inspector and an Expert by Experience (EXE) conducted the assessment, with the EXE remotely contacting people who use the service. For the key questions not inspected, previous ratings were used to determine the overall rating. The inspection found no evidence of harm or significant risks to people. The overall rating for the service remains Good.
People's experience of this service
We engaged with 14 individuals receiving home care or supported living services from Rapid Improvement Care Agency and five external health and social care professionals. Feedback was also gathered from the registered manager, lead care coordinator, head of compliance, and 12 care staff members. The service demonstrated compliance with the principles of Right Support, Right Care, Right Culture, delivering positive outcomes for people. Those supported by the service, their relatives, and external professionals expressed general satisfaction with the care provided. Comments included: “I am very impressed with this provider. The staff are excellent and I would recommend them to anyone.” “The staff are very polite, caring, and thoughtful, and have the utmost respect for my [family member].” “The service excels in providing compassionate care to my clients.” Visits were well-managed, and staff suitability was thoroughly assessed. People were supported by dedicated staff familiar with their needs, preferences, and routines. Staff received appropriate training and support to deliver safe and effective care. Risk assessments were followed, medicines were safely managed, and infection control measures adhered to. Regular reviews ensured ongoing improvements in care delivery. Care plans were regularly updated to reflect people’s needs and preferences. Staff demonstrated best practices in supporting individuals, particularly those with learning disabilities. Positive and respectful interactions were observed. The provider fostered a transparent and supportive culture, with visible leadership and a commitment to staff development and continuous improvements