During this inspection we conducted telephone interviews with six people who used the service. We spoke with one of the dentist who was also a partner and the registered manager at the practice. We spoke with staff working at the practice which included the dental nurses.We found that people had the information they needed to help them make informed choices about their treatment. One person told us, "The treatment plan is explained thoroughly".
People told us that they had no concerns about the care and treatment that they received. One person said," It's brilliant, I couldn't say a bad word".
We found that people received care and treatment in a clean and hygienic environment. People that we spoke with had no concerns about the cleanliness of the environment.
People that we spoke with were complimentary about the staff working at the dental practice. We found that staff were trained and supported to deliver care and treatment safely and to an appropriate standard.
We found that the provider had systems in place to monitor the service to ensure that people received a quality service. People we spoke with confirmed that the treatment they received was of good quality. However the absence of CRB checks for some staff meant that the provider had not managed risks to people using the service effectively.