16 April 2014
During a routine inspection
Is the service safe?
We spoke with the manager about people's capacity. We saw an account of people's capacity and best interest decisions were recorded around people's needs thus promoting people's rights and choices relating to their day to day lifestyle, experiences and support requirements. One person told us 'I choose to stay in my bedroom because there are lots of people here with dementia it is not their fault but it can mean that there are not many people to talk to here'.
We saw people were involved in their care and treatment and staff were usually able to support them. We found that due to the deployment of staff there were times when there were no staff members in any of the lounge areas and access to the call system for the majority of people was not accessible. This meant there were times when people were left unsupervised. This could affect their safety and wellbeing.
Is the service effective?
We spoke with six people who told us they were happy with the care provided for them by staff at the home. Comments included 'Staff are great'. 'Staff are helpful'. We observed a meal time and found it to be very pleasant and met with people's expectations and cultural needs.
Is the service caring?
People told us staff always asked them what they wanted to do and encouraged them to make their own decisions where possible. Staff told us that they listened to people's choices and treated people with dignity and respect to ensure their privacy needs were met.
We spoke with staff who understood how to care for people at the home. We observed care practice and found staff to be patient and caring towards people receiving care.
Is the service responsive?
Staff made the appropriate referrals to other professionals and community services when needed. When people had accidents they were appropriately treated but there were inconsistencies in how a follow up was monitored and communicated by senior staff members. When complaints about the service were made although they were responded to it was sometimes done in an inconsistent way.
Is the service well led?
The service did not have a registered manager in post, however a new manager had come into post in March 2014. This person told us that she was in the process of applying to us for registration as manager of the home. She told us that she divided her time between two of the provider's homes and that deputy managers provided managerial cover in her absence. However, the findings of our inspection showed that without adequate supervision, guidance and support for senior staff members who managed the home, it was, at times, difficult for them to undertake these additional duties. The new manager was already beginning to address the situation and had started to make progress on the monitoring of the quality and safety of the service provided.