During a check to make sure that the improvements required had been made
People told us staff were friendly and welcoming. They said they felt involved in planning their treatment and their options were always discussed with them. People told us they were aware of their costs for treatment and were provided with a treatment plan. Staff were aware of what action to take in the event of a medical emergency.
People told us they had no concerns about the standard of cleanliness and hygiene. One person said, 'It's always lovely and clean'. The practice had arrangements in place for the safe management of infection control to reduce the risk of cross infection.
People considered staff were competent to carry out their work. One person said, 'My dentist is very good'. Another person said, 'The staff are good and always care'. Most staff told us they were provided with opportunities to further develop their skills and knowledge. However, the lack of training records failed to support this.
People were not aware of the formal complaints process. They told us they had not felt the need to complain. They were confident their views would be listened to if they were to complain.