20 November 2013
During a routine inspection
The relative of a person who used the service told us 'The atmosphere is good' and that they had never had to raise a concern or complaint. One person described their relative as 'Happy at Coneyhurst Lodge. Seems to like all the staff and is well cared for.' A care co-ordinator from a local authority said 'I'm delighted with the progress the person has made at Coneyhurst Lodge. I have no concerns at all. Their wellbeing has improved.'
People's needs had been assessed and their views had been taken into account in how their care and treatment had been planned. We saw that staff supported people in the way they wished to be supported. One relative told us 'Care here is fantastic. We're very pleased.' Care records showed that people had taken part in activities at the service which included music sessions, art therapy and one to one time with key workers.
Staff understood how to safeguard people and report safeguarding concerns. Relatives we talked with said people felt safe living at Coneyhurst Lodge. One relative said the person they visited felt 'Safe and well cared for.' The provider had taken appropriate action to protect people from harm.
Staff received appropriate professional training and development. Appropriate training had been completed by staff and arrangements were in place to ensure staff refreshed their training at the recommended intervals. Staff we spoke with said that they felt well supported. One said 'I get the training I need.'
The provider took account of complaints and comments to improve the service. Relatives we talked with told us that they felt confident about raising any concern or complaint they had with the home. One said "When I raised an issue about laundry something was done straight away.'