10 January 2014
During a routine inspection
We met with staff, the principle dentist and a second dentist working part- time at the practice. All staff were accommodating and familiar with the established routines and the surgeries policies and procedures. The surgery occupied the first floor and had two treatment rooms and a separate room to sterilise instruments. We observed staff sterilising the dental instruments and found staff knowledgeable about infection control procedures.
Staff were knowledgeable of local safeguarding arrangements for protecting vulnerable people but had not had specific training to help them identify different types of abuse and actions they should take, if they witnessed or had an allegation of abuse reported to them. Policies and flow charts were in displayed in the staff room telling staff how to recognise abuse and what actions to take.
Staff kept up to date with their professional development and had the necessary skills and experience to deliver high standards of care and treatment to patients.