• Dentist
  • Dentist

Mydentist - Padgate Lane - Warrington Also known as mydentist

196 Padgate Lane, Padgate, Warrington, Cheshire, WA1 3DF

Provided and run by:
Padgate (No1) Limited

All Inspections

28 February 2013

During a routine inspection

We spoke with three patients' who were visiting the practice during our visit. They said that they were 'happy' with the service provided and told us it was 'Excellent' and 'Really good.'

Patients' were given various information about their treatment and knew what to expect. Patients' knew the name of their dentist and told us they could ask any questions about their care and treatment. Everyone stated they were always consulted and they gave full consent about their treatment and check ups and were aware of their costs.

The practice had five separate treatment rooms where consultations took place. Each one offered privacy to patients' with blinds provided in windows to the treatment rooms and doors were kept shut. Staff maintained people's privacy and dignity by ensuring they kept doors closed while patients' were receiving treatment and they always knocked on a door when it was closed.

The service used equipment called 'autoclaves' to help keep dental instruments clean and functional. We noted staff had to share these machines as not all treatment rooms had their own autoclave machine. The provider may wish to note this meant that staff had to enter treatment rooms while patients' were sometimes receiving treatment which added to the noise within the treatment room. Staff advised that this issue has been discussed previously and the service was looking at potential development plans for the building to help improve their facilities.