• Dentist
  • Dentist

Jiggins Lane Dental Surgery

17 Jiggins Lane, Birmingham, West Midlands, B32 3LE (0121) 476 5360

Provided and run by:
Mr. Sanjeev Talwar

All Inspections

10 July 2013

During a routine inspection

We spoke with seven people who used the service after the inspection. They were all generally pleased with the service and provided examples of good practice. One person said, 'I have been at this practice for ten years. They are great.' Another told us that they were, 'Very happy' about their treatment. People confirmed that the dentists always explained their treatment options to them and that they were involved in making decisions about their treatment.

There was no one visiting the dentist when we visited but we observed as the hygienist treated one person. They took care to make a thorough examination and provided reassurance and advice about dental care and health.

We found there were good arrangements for infection control at the practice. These included the use of protective equipment and procedures for keeping the premises and the instruments clean.

We found that there were good arrangements for making sure that people using the service were kept safe. The staff had received training in adult and child protection and relevant contact numbers were available for staff to report concerns.

All the staff we spoke to told us they felt supported to meet the needs of the people who used the service.

There were good arrangements for making sure that standards were monitored and improved, where necessary. These included surveys, audits of services and equipment and regular staff meetings.