During our visit we spoke with three people who used the service. All spoken with told us what they thought of the staff at the practice. Some comments made were 'very good', 'always polite', 'all very pleasant' and 'the dentist is very good'. One person told us that there had recently been a change in providers for this service, so it was hard to provide a fully informed view of the service. People spoken with told us they were involved in their treatment decisions and the dentist explained clearly what the pros and cons of their treatment. One person told us that they had recently had a crown fitted. They said that they were unaware what colour their crown would be, this had made them anxious. This meant the person was not fully involved in their treatment choices. We informed the provider of these concerns, who told us that they would feed this back to the dentists.
People spoken with told us they could make routine appointments easily. We were told appointments were usually made in advance after their check up. They said that they received a reminder text on their mobile. One person told us that this was really useful as they could often forget appointment times. People told us they were able to make emergency appointments and usually they would be seen by the dentist within 48 hours.
We found that there were some concerns about how the practice got consent from vulnerable adults who used the service.