• Dentist
  • Dentist


4 Suffolk Road, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, GL50 2AQ (01242) 570404

Provided and run by:
Myface Dentistry and Facial Aesthetics

All Inspections

5 December 2013

During a routine inspection

When we visited myFace dental practice we spoke to three patients, a dentist, the registered manager and a dental nurse. We looked at the decontamination rooms where instruments were sterilised, treatment records and procedures.

The patients told us that the dentist had always asked about their medical history at every visit and explained their treatment to them in detail which had included the costs. We looked at treatment plans and the information that had been given to patients about their treatment. Computerised treatment plans had been recorded that detailed each visit and also alerted clinicians to any health related concerns. We spoke to three patients they told us, "they (the dentist and hygienist) are amazing and very thorough", "brilliant care, my crown was refitted quickly" and "best dental surgery I have been to, really good to my children".

There were arrangements in place to protect children and vulnerable adults from the risk of abuse.

There were effective systems in place to reduce the risk of infection and clinical staff knew about the decontamination procedures. The systems in the practice had been regularly audited and patient's views had been sought to help ensure that quality assurance was completed.